Saturday, September 23, 2006


Getting colder

Fall is here and with it comes lots of layers for little Molly. She's been great so far with wearing hats but she's not so happy about putting on coats. The coat with the ears was a gift from Jenn and Rudi when she was born - it's for's just fitting her now. Last night we went to Jeff and Helen's for Roshashana. It was so much fun. I love going to big family functions. Molly did really well. She even slept for a bit in her pack'n play amid all the chaos. We've recently become hard core about her sleeping. It was horribly hard the first couple of nights but it's getting better with time. We also went and met with a dayhome provider yesterday so it looks like I'm good to go back to work in January without any trouble at all. We're going to start taking Molly in November for short periods of time to get her used to it before January. It'll also help us see if it's a good fit.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Photos Finally

Molly is getting more mobile by the day. This weekend we seriously tackle baby proofing the house. I'd love to move her from the loft into the spare bedroom too but I don't think we'll have the time. So far her favourite hazardous things to do are:
chew on all electrical cords
take out the heat grates and throw stuff down
try to crawl off the edges of beds and couches


Friday, September 15, 2006



Today Noel got back from his business trip (YAY) and he seems to have brought the snow with him. On the bright side, we didn't see snow in Calgary in June, July or August this year so this is nothing!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


No pictures again

I have some pictures of Molly's first attempts at crawling but unfortunately Noel is away right now and he took the computer that has all the pictures on it so I won't be able to put them up until he's back in town this weekend. Molly is making lots of great progress with crawling. She's not 100% there yet but I'm sure it won't be long now. Yesterday we went to swimming with all the other babes. It was great getting back in the water. Molly even did well when I dunked her underwater! Angus has teeth, Annick is motoring around, Elliot is a splashing champ...our babes are all growing up so fast! Did I mention that she's pulling herself to standing in her crib now? Exciting times!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Cough cough

Molly, Noel and I are all fighting a cold. Molly seems to be losing the battle. During the day she is in good spirits but her nose is pretty stuffy and at night she gets a pretty nasty cough. Noel and I just feel run down and foggy headed. I blame the flight from Hamilton...but who knows. Strange thing about it is that Molly is suddenly sleeping on her back. She NEVER sleeps on her back. I don't understand it. You would think that you would want to be on your belly when you've got a stuffy/drippy nose. Whatever. We're going to the doctor tomorrow for Molly's 6 month check up. I guess we'll find out if this cold is something serious.

Molly started to wave today. Very exciting. I wonder if she'll keep doing it or if it will be like sticking out her tongue on demand - something that just comes and goes again.

This weekend Noel and I are going to a CPR course so that we'll know how to save Molly (or anyone else) if something ever happened. Our neighbour is a certified teacher, so we don't even have to drive anywhere to take the course - very convenient indeed.

I promise to take more pictures soon - I was just all pictured out after Hamilton.

Friday, September 01, 2006


6 month shots

Yesterday Molly and I had to go and get shots. I'm always amazed at how friendly and nice all the parents are when I'm at the health region for these appointments. Molly did really well with the shots (and so did I). She weighs 14.5 lbs is 25 1/4 inches long and her head is 43.5 cms around. She is still on the 25% curve for weight/height.

Her latest tricks are
sitting up without assistance for short periods of time
saying bah bah and ga ga
getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth
giving me hugs

She's not doing too well with the sleeping through the night thing but I'm sure the travel has something to do with that. I'm going to give her another week to adjust to being back home before I really start to worry about all the night wakings.

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