Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Second Tooth

Molly's single bottom tooth won't be lonely much longer. I can see the line that will one day be her second tooth beside her first. She's not nearly as drooly this time. I guess every tooth is different!

Had a nice playdate yesterday. Two babies (and moms) showed despite the cold. Mel even brought delicious cookies. Today we're off to Gymboree. I'm very sad that we're nearing the end of our time at Gymboree. I'm very sad that we're nearing the end of our time together in general. I still can't believe that Suzanne will be spending more time with my daughter than I will. It just doesn't seem right.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


9 Months - BRRRRR

Molly turned 9 months yesterday on a freezing cold -40 (with the windchill) day. We were supposed to go swimming but I just couldn't do it. Today we've broken a 100 year old record for cold - good thing it's only November!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Noel's back home

Noel's course in Edmonton is over and the experience was good (except for some horrible hotel guest experiences) and we are very happy to have him home again. I even got to leave the house yesterday to see a movie! The last time Noel was away for a week Molly didn't really remember him when he came home - not this time. She absolutely lit up when he walked in the door on Friday (as did I).

This week Molly mastered the sound "nah" and figured out how to crawl under things. Still no sign of other teeth to keep her lonely bottom one company. She's hardly napping at all these days and she's not doing so well at night either. I guess there's just too much going on for sleep these days.

Tuesday open house is still going strong. This week Grace and Angus came to play. It's wonderful seeing how much they all change week to week.

Tuesday we also went downtown to meet up with Aunt Michele, Uncle Brad and Grandma Nancy at Mercato. Molly did exceptionally well considering she missed her naps. They even made her some plain pasta to eat which she loved.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Great News

Just got the call from the neurologist today - Molly is fine! The MRI showed that the thing that the doctor noticed on the CT scan was in fact just a space around a blood vessel so it's nothing for us to worry about. And all the other areas of Molly's brain are A-OKAY! Still no idea what caused the head nodding but at least now we know it's nothing to worry about. What a relief! Thanks to everyone for all their prayers and positive vibes. And thanks to the people at the neurology clinic for being so great to us.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Girl's Week

Noel is away on course in Edmonton this week so it's just me and Molly holding down the fort. We've taken about a million more pictures this weekend but I can't post any because Noel has the computer with him in Edmonton. We had a great visit with Noel's family this past weekend. Michele and Brad are in town from New Mexico. Adam and Jess were also in town from Edmonton. It was a full house at Grandma Nancy's! We even took the pack and play so that we could sleep over. Molly didn't do so well with the sleeping thing but it was still great to be able to hang out with everyone in the evening and morning. We were supposed to go to the children's creative museum this afternoon but it closes at 4 pm!?!?! Why a children's museum wouldn't be open after school is beyond me.

We're hoping to hear something from the Neurologist this week.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Molly is so great

I know this is totally cheesy but I feel the need to express just how lucky we are to have such a fabulous baby. Molly has such a great personality. She loves people. She loves books. She makes great faces. She is very independent already and can amuse herself by playing with her toys, books, and bongos. She loves to see herself in the mirror and often gives her refection wet juicy kisses. She is so expressive and interested in everything going on around her. She is so busy and she's already taken to multitasking (crawling or playing with another toy firmly in her mouth so as not to miss out on anything). She loves waving hello and often just sits looking out the window waving away at the outside world. I look forward to seeing her develop and grow...I have no doubt she will continue to be a character.


15 seconds

Today Molly stood on her own (while tearing apart a kleenex) for 15 seconds. It was awesome. She was so intent on ripping up the tissue that she didn't even notice that I wasn't holding her.

Aunt Michele and Uncle Brad arrive tomorrow. Should be a fun weekend.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Long Weekends Rule

This weekend we've had some great visits with Grandma Nancy, Auntie Jessie, Amy, Raj and Arjen. We've done a COSTCO run for diapers and wipes. And today I'm hoping to go shoe shopping. Not a bad weekend at all. It was so great visiting with Amy and Raj. Arjen is soooo cute. It was great holding a new baby again (especially when I could give him back!). Molly was very interested in him and she didn't get upset at all when I was holding him. Yesterday for some reason Molly didn't nap at all. Usually she'll nap for 30-60 mins in the morning and then 60-120 mins in the afternoon. But yesterday she went from 7 am to 8 pm with only one 30 minute nap the entire day! Needless to say she's pretty tired and out of it today so far. Auntie Jess made us dinner last night and it was delicious!

Thursday, November 09, 2006




Today was hard. Very hard. Much harder than I thought it would be. Molly was awesome. She wasn't allowed to eat past 8:30 am this morning and the MRI was scheduled for 1pm. She didn't end up going in until 1:45 pm so she was a bit grumpy by that point but she's so curious that as long as we were looking at new people or playing with new stuff she was okay. We were allowed to be with her during her sedation and it was really creepy and upsetting. She just looked so helpless and afraid before she went under. And then they just sent us away...It all felt so wrong. And hour and a half later we were told the test was over and that she was awake and hungry. We went in and she was so dopey. She couldn't focus on anything or control her head very well. She could barely suck. It was awful to see her that way. Luckily she was only like that for about 30 or 40 minutes. By the time we got her home she was almost completely back to normal. I have no idea if they will find anything with this test and sure I'm still a bit worried about the results but I'm just so relieved to have the test over. We should hear from the neurologist in the next week or two.

I must say how lucky we are to be here with the best neighbours in the world. Tonight Deb and Jackie made us dinner and Jamie showed up with presents for Molly. Everyone has been totally supportive and available when we needed them. This is what community is all about!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


First Tooth Sighting

After what seems like months (but realistically has only been days) of crankiness and drooling we have spotted Molly's first tooth. It is the bottom left to be exact. It's not all the way through the gums yet but it won't be long now. I'm sure this tooth and the others that will follow will be the death of me since Molly isn't the most restful and easy breast feeder in the world. I just hope she doesn't draw blood the first time she bites me with her little chompers.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Suzanne's Dayhome

Today was Molly's first day solo at the dayhome...and by day I mean only 2 hours. I dropped her off at 8 am this morning and then picked her up promptly at 10 am. It was much easier than I thought it would be. It helps that Molly doesn't make strange or freak out if I'm not around.

Noel and I have purchased a new fancy new camera (that is too big). It seems to take some pretty nice pictures so far. These are from the last couple of days. I'm still just using it as a point and shoot camera but whatever. If I ever have the time or inclination I can always learn how to use it properly.

Molly has been attempting to stand on her own lately. It's amazing how big and sure footed she is getting.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Halloween, Sickness and CAT Scan Results

We did not dress Molly up for Halloween...I figure that until she can actually walk there's no point in carrying her around the neighbourhood to get candy that none of us need to eat. A couple of the neighbourhood kids came by though so Molly did get to see some cute costumes before she went to bed. She didn't seem to impressed or scared or even interested but oh well she is only 8 months old.

She has a cold right now and is drooling up a storm. Many people have told me that a cold is yet another sign of teething. No teeth yet...we will see.

I caught her cold and it has knocked me on my butt. I couldn't even get out of bed this morning so Noel had to stay home to look after us. I'm starting to feel a bit more human now but who knows how I'll feel once the sun goes down (why do all sicknesses get worse in the dark?).

In other news, we heard back from the Neurologist today regarding Molly's CT (or CAT?) Scan. They did find something small (perhaps a cyst) in the basal ganglia area of her brain. We have to take her for an MRI in the next couple of weeks (which she will be put under for). We are shocked. I really didn't think they'd find anything. I never even really thought that was a possibility. The doctor assures us that we have no reason to worry yet but how can you not? I'm just going to try to not think about it as much as possible and hope for the best. She is happy and active so how bad can this thing really be?

It sure is hard transitioning her to the dayhome and thinking about going back to work with this going on.

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